Nigerians have been called upon to join hands in taking meaningful action to address  urgent environmental issues that threaten  worldwide’s well-being and our ecosystems’ health.

The advise was given by President and Chairman Governing Council institute of Environmental Practitioners of Nigeria  Prof Lawrence Ezemonye.

Prof Ezemonye made this known on the occasion of this year’s world environmental day organized by the institute in Benin, the Edo state capital.

He said ‘As we commemorate World Environment Day this year, the theme “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience” powerfully reminds us of our collective responsibility to heal our planet.

The Institute of Environmental Practitioners of Nigeria invites all Nigerians to join hands in taking meaningful action to address these urgent environmental issues that threaten millions worldwide’s well-being and our ecosystems’ health. This is in consonance with SDG 15 (Life on Land)& SDG 17 (Partnership for the goals)

Since the first World Environmental day celebration in 1973, after the stocken conference on Human Environment in 1972, World Environment Day has become a platform that is dedicated to protecting and preserving our environment. WEDis now a powerful instrument to raise awareness about critical environmental issues and proffer lasting sustainable solution.

It is important to note that if we are able to accomplish this goal to raise awareness regarding environmental issues, we will be able to transfer our environmental legacy to future generations.

This year’s theme highlights the importance of land Restoration which is the main pillar of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021 to 2030. According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), restoring degraded land can significantly improve livelihoods, reduce poverty, and build resilience to extreme weather. Every dollar invested in restoration can make up to $30 in ecosystem services, making it a vital strategy for sustainable development. 

World Environment Day motivates millions of people worldwide to take action in the direction of saving the earth.This global cooperation creates a sense of unity and shared responsibility, reminding us that protecting the environment is a collective responsibility(SDG 17).

This year’s World Environment Day 2024 comes at a crucial time when the world faces the triple planetary crisis: climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. The United Nations warns that nearly 40% of the planet’s land is degraded, affecting half of the world’s population.

By focusing on land restoration, we can mitigate these crises, enhance carbon storage, and protect species from extinction, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.

If we take action today, we can guarantee a more sustainable and thriving environment for generations to come. The clarion call is that we should not forget that every small step counts in the journey towards a greener, healthier Earth.

IEPN encourages everyone to participate in tree-planting initiatives and land restoration projects. Each tree planted and every patch of land restored makes a significant difference. Advocate for policies that support sustainable land management and drought resilience. Educate and equip the populace with the knowledge to make sustainable choices in their daily life and inspire all to do the same. Community support is crucial in our efforts to combat desertification and build drought resilience in vulnerable communities.

Our planet is at a critical juncture, and our actions today will determine our environment’s future. We can create a more sustainable and equitable world by focusing on land restoration, combating desertification, and building resilience to drought. Join us in this crucial effort to protect our land, secure our future, and honour our planet.

Together, we can reverse the tide of desertification and drought. Let’s unite to make a lasting impact this World Environment Day and beyond.

As we celebrate World Environmental Day 2024, let’s remember that we are all part of Generational Restoration. Simple actions like reducing waste, conserving water, and planting trees can make a significant impact.

Keep in mind the slogan “OUR LAND OUR FUTURE” and be guided by #GENERATIONALRESTORATION.