The newly appointed Emir of Bichi, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, on
Thursday advanced reasons why he accepted his appointment, saying it
was not meant to spite Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi.

In a press conference, the Emir of Bichi, Bayero categorically stated
that, he never lobbied to become the Emir to downgrade Emir Sanusi.

According to him, what people should take cognizance of is that since
time changes things, l accepted it in good faith.

Bayero said history have it that”From 1963 when his late father became
Emir of Kano till date, a lot of changes had taken happened and would
continue to happen.

Let me give example with myself. l was appointed Danmajen Kano I 1990
by my late dad; I later became Danburan Kano, then Turakin Kano to
Sarkin Tsakar Gida and finally to Wamban Kano it may interest you to
know that l have never gone to anybody asking for any of these

“Again from the time my late dad became emir to the time he died, he
saw a lot of changes and he accepted them in good faith. Historically
the Police, Prisons, customs, Judges and schools were initially under
the emirates, but as time went by, they separated and our forefathers
had accept the changes.
Read Also: Kano gives staff of office to four emirs

“For me, having five Emirs in Kano will not affect its development. lf
the Emirs have the concern about development of Kano, they can work
together and move the state forward. There is no difference between
all of us” he noted.

While commenting on the relationship with the Emir of Kano, Muhammadu
Sanusi ll, Bayero noted that,”Sanusi is my brother. He has respect for
me and I have respect for him. l am from a royal family. When he was
appointed Emir, I was among the first set of people that paid homage
to him and l gave him my support and l will continue to support him.

“So, because I am appointed Emir, l don’t think he will not support me
to succeed in all my undertakings. l have no grudges against him
whatsoever and I don’t think he has any against me, he stressed