You have a gold mine inside of you. God never made you a junk. There are impossible possibility in you and I that when properly directed can take you and I to imaginable heights. 50 percent of wealth of this world is in the hands of 200 individuals, 70 percent of Nigerians control 89 percent of the wealth of this country, 30 percent of available wealth. I see God leading you now to your share of the wealth of the land. Know this fact also that your humble low origin has nothing to do with mediocrity, poverty is not hereditary. According to Bill Gates IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT IF YOU WERE BORN POOR, BUT IT IS YOUR FAULT IF YOU DIE POOR. This will shock you. Poverty is in many cases a form of mental illness. The assuring news is that if poverty is an illness, it can be cured , you can get out of it. Anyone who become aware of this fundamental law and applies it to his life can become whatever he wants to be. Absolutely nothing can stop him or her. Circumstances will bend to his wishes.
Our text point attention to two factors in the making of millionaires or successful personalities. Job 32v8 The spirit inside a man Gold mine. Power of inspiration.
All breakthroughs, success, wealth or failure is traceable to how the heart of man functions. Proverb 4v23 KEEP THY HEART WITH DILIGENCE FOR OUT OF IT ARE THE ISSUES OF LIFE. Your spiritual heart is divided into two parts. One part is called conscious , the second part is called subconscious. The conscious heart is what you use to reason, judge, analyse and take action. The subconscious is the seat of habit, thought , patterns, mentally and the limitations of the personalities. The subconscious is comparable to a computer. It blindly and unfailingly executes the programme fed into it. This is why Proverb 4v23 warn that you need to monitor your thoughts closely because all your thoughts tend to materialize in your life. For instance a man that continually think of financial worries or never stop repeating how life is difficult or how much he is living or how backward in life he is, is entertaining thoughts that will show up in his life.
Ephesians 2v20 ‘Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all will ask or think according to the power that worketh in us ‘ Your subconscious mind is like a vast field operating under the law of sowing and reaping, meaning that what you sow, you will reap. Each thought that enters you mind tends to materialize in your life.
Think seriously on this, the greatest limitation man can impose on himself is the one created in his own mind. Your self image is a reflection of your mental programme Proverb 23v7 ‘for as he thinketh in his heart is he. Unfortunately most people are unaware of the impact that their self image has on their lives. Your self image is shaped basically by two primary factors. Your external world, parents, teachers, friends and relatives. HOW DO YOU PICTURE YOURSELF.
If I ask you to fix a figure of your desired increase in an income level in six months time, you might say N50,000. What is preventing you from increasing your income more substantially. Stephen Spelbeg in 1982 earned one million dollars daily. Bill Gates earned 30million dollars as at 1999, YOUR GOAL ARE LIMITED ONLY BY YOUR MIND. Your starting point for growing rich is to expand your self image or remold it. It will produce in you a new goal that will result in new life for you. Until your subconscious mind begin to accept it. How do you know it is accepting it. By the size of your dream/goal. Because a dream is a kind of a projection of your inner self. By definition a dream is a part of yourself that you throw forward , that is why we call it mental projection. IT IS MY RIGHT TO SUCCEED, IT IS MY CONVENANT RIGHT TO BREAKTHROUGH AM GETTING RICHER DAY BY DAY, AM GOING TO FIND AN IDEAL JOB THAT WILL SATISFY ALL MY NEEDS. I WILL LOCATE THE BUSINESS THAT WILL MAKE ME HEALTH. GOD IS CONNECTING ME WITH THE PEOPLE WHO WILL HELP IMPROVE ON MY FINANCIAL SITUATION. AM GOING TO MEET AN IDEAL PARTNER. AM GOING TO FIND A WAY TO DOUBLE MY YEARLY INCOME. AM GOING TO KEEP GOIN TILL I SUCCEED. IT IS EASY FOR ME TO REACH ALL MY GOALS. AM GOING TO FIND THE SITUATION THAT WILL HELP ME PERFECT MY QUALITY TALENTS.
Don’t be afraid to be bold when setting your goals and objectives, people who become wealthy are not different from you and they don’t have two heads. The difference is simply in the mental limits they set for themselves. Their earnings are the products of a highly ordered normal mental programming for them. One of the richest men in the world said THINK BIG YOU BECOME BIG, THINK SMALL YOU BECOME SMALL.
JOB 32V8 ‘But there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding’ one divinely inspired idea is worth much more in value than a life time of efforts.
WHAT IS INSPIRATION. It is the spirit of God in motion in the mental faculty of men connecting nthem to the fountain of divine wisdom. Ideas are the starting point of all success. It takes one idea followed by action to create a fortune, it is the procedures of ideas which other things being equal gets ahead. Every supernatural insights produce supernatural results
Your connection to the word of God enhances the force of inspiration John 6v63 it is the spirit that quickened, the flesh profited nothing, the word that I speak unto you are spirit and they are life. Constant reading of the word of God makes one wise 11Tim 3v15 and from a child that has known the Holy scripture which are able to make thee wise unto salvation faith which is in Christ Jesus.
What is meditation. Art of mental focus on truth in a bid to uncover the hidden treasures in it. PS 119V97 TO 100. Not all readers become wise but only thinking readers become wise 11 Tim 4v15 WHAT YOU NEED IS INSIDE YOU, ALL YOU NEED IS AN EYE OPENER VIA MEDITATION.
Proverb 18v1 ‘through desire a man having separated himself seeketh and intermethed with all wisdom. Quiet environment enhances divine inspiration. Stay away from people and stay aside in a solitary quiet place. Gen 24v63 Isaac went out to meditate in the field , at the evening time he lifted up his eyes, and saw , behold, the camel were coming. Things are looking up to you already, but you need to get your mental system loaded to inspiration by separating yourself.
When you are in the midst of inspired people you stay inspired Prov 27v19 ‘Iron sharpen Iron Prov 13v20 He that walk with wise, team up with creative bright speaking, bright looking people.,
Isaiah 20v29 As you begin to sing yourself up you start getting hooked to supernatural insight for your life. Elisha asked God for a singer before ministering . A joyful man is an automatic candidate for inspiration.
Eccl 7v12 ‘for wisdom is a defence and money is a defence , but the Excellency of knowledge is that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.
Eccl 10v9 A feast is made for laughter and wine maketh merry. A research finding which has been validated in every continent of this world concluded as follows . if you randomly select 100 young men at age 20 and follow them up for the next 40 years , at age 60 only one of them will be very rich
. four will be financially independent
. five will still be working struggling to make it
. 36 would have died
. 54 would be broke penniless dependent on relatives, children, church welfare . We must come to terms with the facts and confirm from scriptures.
. There’s hardly any aspect of man’s existence that does not involve money, even fasting involves money , you need to buy something to eat at the end of fast no mater how dry or how long Eccl 10v19 Money answereth all things
. There are many things that you cannot do except with money. Money is a defence to avoid social disgrace, even Jesus needed money to pay his tax and that of his disciples or risk disgrace. 16 out of Jesus 38 messages were concerned with how to handle money and possession. The bible includes 500 verses on prayers , less than 500 verses on faith but more than 2000 verses on money and possession. Infact every 10 verses in the four Gospel deal directly with the subject of money Mathew 6v32 ‘for after all these things do the Gentiles seek for your heavenly know well that ye need of all these things Prov 30v7 two things have I required of thee, deny me not before I die, remove far from me vanity and lies, give me neither poverty nor riches, feed me with food convenient for me, lest I be full and deny who is the Lord or lest be poor and steal and take the name of the Lord in vain.
A firm clear decision that you will do something actually changes your brain psychology, it affects your mental attitudes , it assists your faith. Power of a made up mind is irresistible. Jacob reached this decision in Gen 30v30 ‘the little you had before I came has increased greatly , and the Lord has blessed you whenever I have been, but now when may I do something for my own household’. You decision ultimately affects your destiny Prov 23v7 ‘for as he thinketh in his heart so is he.
What are your skills, what do you have natural abilities for or experience or knowledge about. Do you enjoy your present job , 90 per cent are working in a job they hate or dislike Don’t quit now but do the following.
. Make yourself more valuable ….attend evening classes, education apprenticeship to improve your marketability , volunteer to do the job that no one else wants Prov 12v9 it is better to get your hands dirty and eat than to be too proud to work and starve.